- 2023年5月19日
el yo de hoy se hace con los actos de hoy
Tu creas tu propio futuro trabajando duro dia a dia. Sr.Fennec 今日の自分は、今日作る
Tu creas tu propio futuro trabajando duro dia a dia. Sr.Fennec 今日の自分は、今日作る
Si no estás siempre preparado para aprovechar la oportunidad, nunca volverás a tenerla. Sr.Fennec 努力は一生、チャンスは一瞬
If you are too hard on yourself or too gutsy, you will not be able to continue or sustain your next effort. By praising yourself often, you can encourage yourself and accomplish your big goals. Mr.Fen […]
If you work hard and finish the project without giving up along the way, you will gain a great deal of confidence. No matter what kind of adversity you face, you must have the strength to persevere an […]
Cuando empieces algo, piensa solo en el éxito. Siempre hay algo que obtienes del fracaso. No serás un perdedor si ganas al final. Sr.Fennec 勝つまでやれば、負けじゃない
No matter how hard you try to achieve something new or a goal, you will fail. If you don’t give up even when you feel like faltering, the experience will accumulate and will surely be used for t […]
It is always better to be healthy than to push yourself too hard and lose your health. Maintain sustainable health by not missing out on moderate exercise. Mr.Fennec 健康を維持するのも才能
The reason I learn theThe reason I learn the most from teaching is that the output of what I have learned is more vividly remembered. So teaching someone else is a review of the studies you have learn […]
You may feel uncool or pointless if you are working hard toward a dream or goal but when you can’t achieve it. However, what is important is not what people around you think, but what you yours […]