Continuity is power.

  • 2022年6月18日

you are always the hero

It is up to you to turn your dreams into goals or not. If you have a chance, don’t leave it to others. Be courageous and take the first step by yourself. Mr.Fennec 主人公は、いつだって自分

  • 2022年5月16日

just do what you can do

Every successful person is originally a diligent person. Continuing what you can do is what leads to success. Mr.Fennec 自分にできることを、ひたすらやる

  • 2022年5月5日

keep chasing what you can be absorbed in

Don’t you ever lose your mind if you think too much? In such a case, let’s empty your head and immerse yourself in what you want to do. Mr.Fennec 夢中を追い続けよう

  • 2022年4月3日

do it until you win so you won’t lose

When you start something, think only about success. There are always something you get from failure. You won’t be a loser if you win at the end. Mr,Fennec 勝つまでやれば、負けじゃない

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