- 2023年4月14日
cuanto más deprimido estés, más necesitas sonreír
No huyas aunque estés deprimido. Cuanto más huyas, más dolor sentirás. Sr.Fennec ツライ時こそ、ユカイに笑顔
No huyas aunque estés deprimido. Cuanto más huyas, más dolor sentirás. Sr.Fennec ツライ時こそ、ユカイに笑顔
Es mejor pensar la persona que quieres ser. Si no puedes imaginar lo que te gustaría ser, entonces piensa qué tipo de futuro ves por ti mismo sin arrepentimientos. Sr.Fennec 自分探しって、じゃぁ、あなたは誰?
La muda es una acción importante para crecer o para vivir. Si puedes “empezar”, “pensar”, “experimentar” o “descubrir” algo, has conseguido mudar de ti […]
Both anxiety and anticipation are feelings of the future within you. Let’s grow well while taking in both in a balanced manner. Mr.Fennec 不安も期待も向き合って、どちらも受け入れよう
You don’t have to do anything special to come up with new ideas. Simply writing down what is confusing or troubling you will help you get organized, and you may come up with an idea that you hav […]
The important thing is to learn how to get over it. Be relaxed, calm, and courteous in all situations. Mr.Fennec 忙しい時こそ、情熱を注ぎ込もう
You may think that bad luck and misfortune come out of the blue, but if you observe carefully and use your intuition on a daily basis, you can prevent them. Mr.Fennec 感を磨けば、不運は予知できる
When many like-minded people come together, miracles can happen. Even if the power of each individual is not great, when they are integrated, they become a great force. Mr.Fennec 小さな力でも、集めて大きな力に
It is tempting to keep embarrassing stories of failure a secret, but don’t hide them. Halve your depression by telling someone as soon as possible. Mr.Fennec 失敗は、話せば気持ちが軽くなる
You can’t get what you want just by wanting it. Work backwards from your goals to figure out what you need to do. Mr.Fennec 欲しければ、どう手に入れるかを工夫しよう