do your best

  • 2023年1月7日

goals without a plan lead to hesitation

Without a goal, you cannot work hard, and without a plan to reach your goal, all your hard work will be for naught. First, make a plan within a reasonable range. Mr.Fennec 目標があっても計画がなければ、迷子になる

  • 2023年1月6日

adversity teaches you to appreciate the usual days

To face challenges, it is important to first understand the situation. Keeping in mind that we have been blessed so far, let’s look for another way to look at the situation that will turn a pinc […]

  • 2022年12月31日

never rush or regret the year you spent

What you will feel on this day is how fast the year has gone by. The hands of the clock will not turn back, but there are hopes and dreams  waiting ahead. Mr.Fennec 過ごした一年、焦ることも後悔することもない

  • 2022年12月25日


今までに培った力をすべて出し尽くし、 自分を試す時がいつか必ず来ます。 努力して流した汗と涙の分だけ、 勝負の日の自分は輝きを増します。 ” you must do your best on this day that will surely come ” フェネック先生

  • 2022年12月15日

being honest with yourself is the best strong point

The more you concern about the feelings of those around you, the more you tend to hide your true feelings. Make it a habit to be honest about your feelings and listen to yourself. Mr.Fennec 自分に正直なことは、 […]

  • 2022年12月14日

prepare and simulate to your satisfaction

Have you ever worked on something so hard that you have no excuse for failure? As long as you are prepared, you should have no regrets no matter what the outcome. Mr.Fennec 準備もシミュレーションも、納得いくまで

  • 2022年12月11日

others do not care as much as you care

We are always concerned about how the other person sees us. Surprisingly, however, the other person doesn’t care that much, so let’s get rid of our self-conscious vanity. Mr.Fennec 自分が気にする […]

  • 2022年12月6日

biggest failure is being too afraid of failure

If you are more anxious or hesitant than necessary, nothing will grow. Even if you fail, there is always something you can learn from it. Mr.Fennec 最大の失敗は、失敗を恐れすぎること

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