- 2022年12月3日
even a small conceit can cause a stumble
Conceit and pretentiousness are nothing more than complacency. Develop genuine confidence without worrying about the interests of those around you. Mr.Fennec 小さなうぬぼれでも、つまづく原因になる
Conceit and pretentiousness are nothing more than complacency. Develop genuine confidence without worrying about the interests of those around you. Mr.Fennec 小さなうぬぼれでも、つまづく原因になる
Before you make a bad decision for the other person, first reflect on your own shortcomings. By knowing your shortcomings, you can think of different ways to turn them into strengths. Mr.Fennec 誰でも自分よ […]
It is your own assumption that you can’t do it. With the belief that you can do it, look for a solution first. Mr.fennec どんなに困難でも、方法は必ずある
Rivals are necessary for your personal growth. However, the person you are fighting against is always the person you were yesterday, surpassing your best self of the past. Mr.Fennec 競う相手は、過去最高の自分
Vanity and egotism not only cause discomfort to others, but also make us careless of our own minds. In good times, control your emotions and be humble. Mr.Fennec 失敗して、うぬぼれから目を覚まそう
The key to success is to stay focused on your goals. If you are looking at this and that, you will end up halfway through everything. Mr.Fennec 成功するには、目標を見失わないこと
Regretting what you didn’t do will weigh on you day by day. Don’t put off what you want to do, but do what you can. Mr.Fennec やらずに後悔するなら、できることをやろう
Green spaces such as forests and parks have health-restoring effects. Reduce stress through the relaxing effects of nature. Mr.Fennec 疲れた心は、自然で癒そう
It takes time to accomplish things. Don’t rush, don’t hurry, and work diligently toward your dreams and goals. Mr.Fennec 辛い時こそ、結果を急がない
On days when everything goes wrong, the future is not so clear. But it won’t last forever, so stay positive until things tilt in the right direction. フェネック先生 今日は最悪でも、明日は最高