do your best

  • 2022年9月5日

experience of failure will recover you quickly

Everyone recovers from failure and depression at different speeds. Learn the habit of changing your mind quickly and develop a strong will to recover from setbacks. Mr.Fennec 転んだ経験があれば、立ち直りも早い

  • 2022年8月28日

swing yourself, rather than being swept away

It is common to be swayed by others and situations. Make your own rules and stay at your own pace while maintaining a sense of distance from others. Mr.Fennec 振りまわされずに、自分でまわそう

  • 2022年8月24日

pursue your own form of love

Everyone has their own feelings for family members, lovers, and other loved ones. Express your gratitude in the way that is easiest to understand. Mr.Fennec 自分なりの愛の形を追求しよう

  • 2022年8月19日

be yourself without being swept away

When one is blaming someone or something else, one does nothing and thinks nothing. Think again about what you can do to be yourself. Mr.Fennec 人にも社会にも流されず、自分らしくいこう

  • 2022年8月16日

there are good things even with headwind

Headwinds are not all negative. An airplane can take off into a headwind, or it can speed up by turning its back to the wind and using it as a tailwind. Flexible thinking is required. Mr.Fennec 逆風でも、良 […]

  • 2022年8月15日

enjoy as it is even if it is sunny or rainy

No matter how different it is from your ideal, you cannot change it on your own. Rather, accept it with a joyful heart. Accept things as they are. Mr.Fennec 晴れの日も雨の日も、あるがままを楽しもう

  • 2022年8月13日

respond quickly to unexpected circumstances

How can you respond to unpredictable situations? Use your experience and imagination to get out of a difficult situation as quickly as possible. フェネック先生 予期していない出来事には、早めの対処

  • 2022年8月12日

improve each other through friendly rivalry

A competitive relationship means that we recognize each other and are good rivals and friends. Mr.Fennec 競うのは、お互いの能力を高め合うため

  • 2022年8月9日

finding a purpose in life is also a job

No matter how busy you are, if you have a purpose in life to get hooked, it all turns into a fun and priceless time. Mr.Fennec 生きがいを見つけるのも仕事

  • 2022年8月8日

shortcuts are usually the hard way

Whether you choose a difficult and arduous shortcut or a time-consuming detour, just hang in there until you reach the finish line. Mr.Fennec 近道はたいてい険しい道

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