do your best

  • 2022年6月17日

never run away from failure, but look at it properly

The more failures we make, the more our hearts break. We must pursue the cause of each failure and success that will come one day. Mr.Fennec 失敗から逃げずに、きちんと見つめよう

  • 2022年6月8日

goals are always born from yourself

Even if it is impossible for me now, it is important to have an ideal that I want to be like this. Think about yourself a few years from now. Mr.Fennec 目標はいつも自分の中から生まれる    

  • 2022年6月1日

heal your heart with the tears you shed

If you want to cry, don’t hesitate to cry. The tears shed will be a medicine to wash away the trauma. Mr.Fennec 流した涙で心を癒そう

  • 2022年5月31日

expectations are betrayed, but efforts are not

The more you expect from people, the more damage you will suffer when things don’t go as planned. Try to achieve it by yourself without relying on anyone. Mr.Fennec 期待は裏切られるが、努力は裏切らない

  • 2022年5月23日

your dream won’t run away unless you abandon it

There will be many things to suffer in order to make your dreams come true. It’s up to you not to give up, to get over it, and to take your fate. Mr.Fennec 夢は捨てない限り、逃げはしない

  • 2022年5月20日

the promise is what you make

If you expect too much from others, you will narrow your potential. Let’s bring out our hidden strength by ourselves. Mr.Fennec 約束は自分とするもの

  • 2022年5月15日

don’t strain, don’t rush, don’t hesitate

Pressure, tension, hesitation, etc. When you try to exert your abilities, enemies will emerge from within you. Recite and calm your mind. Mr.Fennec 力まず、焦らず、ためらわず

  • 2022年5月4日

the bad thing is to give up rather than fail

People can be setback by just one mistake. Think of mistakes as a reason to work hard, not a reason not to do. Mr.Fennec 怖いのは失敗より、諦めること

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