- 2022年11月24日
let your anger cool down rather than heating it up and burn yourself
What should you do when you feel like you are about to get angry? Count to ten in your mind and then take a deep breath to calm down. Mr.Fennec 過熱して火傷しそうな怒りは、すぐ冷まそう
What should you do when you feel like you are about to get angry? Count to ten in your mind and then take a deep breath to calm down. Mr.Fennec 過熱して火傷しそうな怒りは、すぐ冷まそう
Do you think that someone will do it for you someday? Instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, do it yourself. Mr.Fennec 誰かがやるなら、自分がその誰かになろう
Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be because you are different. Your story begins the moment you decide to change yourself. Mr.Fennec 恥ずかしがらずに、なりたい自分になろう
Books make us think about things in different ways through the author’s point of view. By broadening your perspective, you will gain more knowledge and increase your chances of making the best a […]
There are many ways, but it is important to just start and move forward. The more you move forward in your own way, the more your experience and abilities will grow. Mr.Fennec どんな歩き方でも、進めば道になる
The moment you think you have the chance, you realize it’s gone. Be prepared on a daily basis and develop the ability to be spontaneous so that you do not miss the right moment. Mr.Fennec チャンスは逃 […]
Try to incorporate events and functions that have little to do with you, but arranged in your own way. The stimulation of the unusual may lead to enjoyable new discoveries. Mr.Fennec どんなイベントでも、自分なりに楽し […]
If you worry too much about what others think, you will never get anything done. If you keep doing what you can do, you will see what only you can do. Mr.Fennec うまいか下手かより、できることをやろう
No matter how long you do it, if you don’t see results, you may lose motivation and give up. People who enjoy what they do will last longer and grow faster than those who hate doing it. Mr.Fenne […]
When you are focused on work from morning to night, it is easy to neglect rest. Rest your body and mind well and start working hard again tomorrow. Mr.Fennec 今日を頑張った分、頑張って休もう