- 2022年10月14日
if you done your best, try your best to rest
When you are focused on work from morning to night, it is easy to neglect rest. Rest your body and mind well and start working hard again tomorrow. Mr.Fennec 今日を頑張った分、頑張って休もう
When you are focused on work from morning to night, it is easy to neglect rest. Rest your body and mind well and start working hard again tomorrow. Mr.Fennec 今日を頑張った分、頑張って休もう
行動一つで、知識やスキルを得られるのに そのチャンスを逃していませんか。 取り組む姿勢があれば、学ぶことはできますから 何か驚きがあったときは、自ら学びにいきましょう。 ” when you are amazed by what you see, you have a chance to learn ” フェネック先生
Even if you think you have done all you can do, try one more time at the very end. It is a waste to give up when you are just one step away. Mr.Fennec 押してダメなら、もう一押し
It is okay to try and fail. Just as there are many routes to the top of a mountain, there should be more than one way to reach the goal. If it doesn’t work, try again with a different strategy. […]
Whether you have to do it or not, it is obvious that if you don’t do it, you will regret it. If you have to do it, it is better to start now so that you can use your motivation and time in a mea […]
Are you lamenting the lack of time? Time is the most precious and most wasted, even though everyone needs it. By using your limited time carefully, you can be on your way to becoming a success. Mr.Fen […]
すべて変えることはできなくても 立ち向かわなければ、何も変わらない。 熱意があれば、ひとりであっても 必ずや変えることができるでしょう。 ” thinking hard won’t change anything if you don’t get started ” フェネック先生
Are you so pressed for time that you don’t have time to experience the seasons? Let’s review your lifestyle and adjust your life rhythm. Mr.Fennec 忙しい時こそ、引いて眺める余裕を持とう
A good diet and eating habits are an investment in your health. And a fulfilling meal will fill your stomach and your heart, giving you energy for tomorrow. Mr.Fennec おいしい食事で、胃も心も幸せに
Life is full of setbacks, sadness, fear, and bad luck. It is in these times that it is important not to be discouraged, but to stay positive and take the next step forward with dreams, hopes, and cour […]