just do it

  • 2022年9月17日

worth challenging because it is difficult

If you do not challenge yourself because you lack confidence, you will not have any progress or grow. Set high goals and improve yourself. Mr.Fennec 難しいからこそ、挑戦し甲斐がある

  • 2022年9月13日

once you take the first step, you are as good as done

Even if you know what you are doing, it is difficult to take the first step. However, if you can overcome this obstacle, it is almost as if you have succeeded. Now it’s time to focus on keeping […]

  • 2022年9月9日

a day today worth two days tomorrow

Have you ever saved up a daily routine for days and tried to do it all at once in one day? It is many times easier, both quantitatively and mentally, to do it now without the hassle than to do it late […]

  • 2022年8月27日

your action can make others move

Instead of passively waiting for others to take action, you must first take actual action yourself. Mr.Fennec まわりを動かしたければ、まず自分から

  • 2022年8月25日

thinking in reverse could be the greatest chance

When you are wondering how to solve a problem, unexpected things can lead to a breakthrough. Break free from stereotypes of what cannot be done and expand the range of possibilities. Mr.Fennec 逆転の発想こそ […]

  • 2022年8月21日

the secret of getting things fun is to act

If you think it’s boring and do nothing, start doing something. There are fun things waiting for you. Mr.Fennec 物事を楽しむ秘訣は、行動すること

  • 2022年8月17日

despair is a waste of time, so forget it

Worrying and being depressed about the reality of what has happened will not change anything. Let’s calmly review the situation in a different way and make a new plan from scratch. Mr.Fennec 絶望は […]

  • 2022年8月14日


やらなければならない大切なことと 自分で分かっていても、身体が動かず 先延ばしにしてしまうことはありませんか。 とにかく自分を励ましながら、まずは始めましょう。 ” start now rather than procrastinating and not starting ” フェネック先生  

  • 2022年8月11日

try to see it from the same perspective to understand

By seeing the world from their point of view, you will understand why they think the way they do. You will also discover something new about yourself. Please make it a habit. Mr.Fennec 理解するには、同じ目線にたって […]

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