- 2022年8月10日
精神的にイライラしたり、体が疲れているにもかかわらず 心身のバランスが崩れていることに気がづいていないことが 多々あります。ストレスをため込まずに、自分のできる範囲で 自分へのケアをしながら、毎日を気持ちよく過ごしましょう。 ” napping is a great way to maintain your mind and body ” フェネック先生
精神的にイライラしたり、体が疲れているにもかかわらず 心身のバランスが崩れていることに気がづいていないことが 多々あります。ストレスをため込まずに、自分のできる範囲で 自分へのケアをしながら、毎日を気持ちよく過ごしましょう。 ” napping is a great way to maintain your mind and body ” フェネック先生
If you wish for it and it doesn’t come true, it is just a dream. If you take action to make it come true, your dream will come closer to reality. Mr.Fennec 願いを叶えるには、引き寄せる努力も必要
“Play” is not the opposite of “study”. Even if it is play, the experience of concentrating on something while having fun, will one day lead to the acquisition of knowledge and […]
If we keep looking for the best timing, saying that there must be a better timing, we will never be able to act. Don’t hesitate, just do it. Mr.Fennec タイミングは、自分でしぼりだすもの
Everyone gets nervous when meeting someone for the first time. Even if you are embarrassed, be brave and approach the others. Mr.Fennec 照れずに、友達への一歩を踏み出そう
Do you feel like you know something or are you running away from an assumption? When you step out of the world of imagination and fantasy and actually experience it for yourself, the excitement begins […]
Many things can go wrong in the middle of an objective. If there was some error in judgment or decision, let’s think about how it happened and correct the course. Mr.Fennec 逃げるのは、また挑戦するため
Change the place where you look, change the angle from which you look, and change the way you look at things. By shifting your viewpoint just a little, you can see the same thing in a different way. M […]
If you stay shut in, you will never know your own strength or even the confidence you can gain from helping others. Come out of your shell and give something to others with your power and confidence. […]
It is better to act than to postpone and not act. Always simulate and consider countermeasures at the same time. Mr.Fennec いつでも最悪を想定して準備しよう