- 2022年5月21日
you don’t have to be the same as everyone
If a different method suits you, try it without bothering people around you. Mr.Fennec みんなと同じである必要はない
If a different method suits you, try it without bothering people around you. Mr.Fennec みんなと同じである必要はない
If you want to get things done until you are satisfied, you have to give up all your feelings and turn down the kindness of others. Being strict with yourself is the fastest way to success. Mr.Fennec […]
自信がないといって、自分を守るための言い訳をしていませんか。 気にしなければならないのはまわりの評価ではなく、 自分の中にあるワクワクした気持ち。イヤならイヤでスパっと 早めに辞めないと、決断できないままズルズルと事態は悪化してしまいます。 ” those who don’t last long are those who are determined to quit […]
The world is full of opportunities and encounters. The only time you lose hope is when you give up searching for it. Mr.Fennec 世の中は、希望だらけ
If you work hard all day, let’s reset your mind tomorrow. A new morning will surely make your dream come true. Mr.Fennec 毎日を新しく、自分らしく
Rather than hoping, let’s do it yourself. It’ll be a difficult task, but it’ll also be the most enjoyable time. Mr.Fennec 風がないなら、起こせばいい
Too much hope can hurt you and the effort itself can be painful. You should be more confident that you are strong now. Mr.Fennec 今の自分が、一番強い
Even if you blame someone, your world won’t change at all . Rather than waiting for the world to change, let’s change it by yourself. Mr.Fennec 自分の世界は自分で変えよう
You might be wandering at the division point or dead end. Don’t stop, keep walking. Mr.Fennec 迷ったら、とにかく進もう
Future of you is you who have worked hard every day by day. Your future may not come if you just say, “I’ll do my best from tomorrow.” Mr.Fennec 今日の自分は、今日作る