- 2022年4月23日
today’s self is made by today’s deeds
Future of you is you who have worked hard every day by day. Your future may not come if you just say, “I’ll do my best from tomorrow.” Mr.Fennec 今日の自分は、今日作る
Future of you is you who have worked hard every day by day. Your future may not come if you just say, “I’ll do my best from tomorrow.” Mr.Fennec 今日の自分は、今日作る
If you don’t always be prepared to jump into the opportunity, you’ll never get the same opportunity again. Mr.Fennec 努力は一生、チャンスは一瞬
Even if you lose or fail, you have no time to be sentimental. Just concentrate and start climbing again without worrying about your surroundings. フェネック先生 どん底上等、這い上がるのみ
If you can change your mindset, you shuld be able to turn your inferiority complex into something fun. Let’s challenge with yourself now as you are. Mr.Fennec 楽しむと決めたら、案外、楽しめる
You can try and fail, but don’t judge the failure before trying. These excuses are for those who don’t try or challenge at all. Mr.Fennec やらずに諦めたくなくなくない?
There is a big difference between “only half a step” and “another half a step”. When this “difference” accumulates, it results in an unfillable difference. Mr.fenne […]
When you want to do something new, are you not making excuses for yourself to start it tomorrow? Now is the time to do it. Mr.Fennec 明日やろうは、バカヤロー
When you start something, the matter is not whether you are able or not, but whether you do or not. Before you think negatively, just start in 3 seconds. Mr.Fennec 3, 2, 1, はい、やる