- 2023年5月3日
just do what you are attracted to
It can be haphazard or on a whim. Rather than hesitate, act immediately when you suddenly feel the urge to do something. Mr.Fennec 惹かれたら、とりあえずやってみよう
It can be haphazard or on a whim. Rather than hesitate, act immediately when you suddenly feel the urge to do something. Mr.Fennec 惹かれたら、とりあえずやってみよう
Aunque pierdas o fracases, no tienes tiempo para ponerte sentimental. Concéntrate y vuelve a empezar sin preocuparte de lo que te rodea. Sr.Fennec どん底上等、這い上がるのみ
Success depends on being prepared. If you have the opportunity, do everything you can imagine so that you have no excuse not to take it. Mr.Fennec 明日からまた頑張るには、まず準備すること
If you must proceed even if you cannot see the future, hesitating is a waste of time. If you will regret not doing so, be prepared to take the plunge and begin with all your might. Mr.Fennec 成功への一歩は、迷 […]
If you don’t have the courage to step forward, you can’t move forward. However, if you can have the resolve to say, “Failure will always give us confidence,” then you can move forward. フェネ […]
Cuando empiezas algo , la cuestión no es si eres capaz de continuarlo o no , sino si lo haces o no. Antes de empezar a pensar negativamente, actívate y empieza en 3 segundos. Sr.Fennec 3、2、1、はい、やる!
Have you ever lacked just a little determination and failed to take action? Be brave and take the plunge. Mr.Fennec 踏み固められた道より、新たな道を切り開こう
In our busy lives, people procrastinate on many decisions. Be prepared to either retreat or move forward. Mr.Fennec 終わりか始まりかを決めるのは、あなた次第
We all make mistakes, but you should not try to hide them. It is when we make mistakes that we are truly judged by how we handle them. Mr.Fennec 過ちを告白することは、前進するための試練
The joy of planning a trip and looking back on the memories of your experience is one of the best parts of traveling. Through discovery and surprise, it is also an opportunity to face oneself anew. Mr […]