just do it

  • 2023年1月16日

enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime meal

Everyday meals that look the same are not just meals. Taste each dish as if it were your first and last encounter with it. Mr.Fennec 食事との一期一会を楽しもう

  • 2022年12月29日

enjoy now what you can do now

Enjoy seasonal and limited things as much as possible. If you keep saying, “Let’s do it some other time,” or “Let’s do it someday,” your chances of having fun will […]

  • 2022年12月27日

you have no choice but to make your own breakthroughs

When people are faced with difficult situations, they tend to look for the easy way out. The path built through hard work always lead to the door to the future. Mr.Fennec 突破口も、打開策も、自分で作るしかない

  • 2022年12月5日

find a reason to do it rather than an excuse not to do

Do you ever think about starting something, but somehow end up not doing it? If you can visualize yourself reaching your goal, you will be motivated and seek ways to achieve it. Mr.Fennec やらない言い訳より、やる […]

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