- 2022年8月31日
looks easy but need to keep making an effort
It may seem simple, but continuous practice cultivates and sustains a high level of performance. Mr.Fennec 簡単そうでも、見えない努力の積み重ね
It may seem simple, but continuous practice cultivates and sustains a high level of performance. Mr.Fennec 簡単そうでも、見えない努力の積み重ね
負けや失敗は、悪いことではありません。 心の持ち方次第で、きちんと 受け止められれば、困難に立ち向かう 次のステップへの大きな経験になります。 ” admitting defeat is the starting point for trying again ” フェネック先生
Hard work does not always produce results, but if you have the mentality to keep moving forward and never lose sight of yourself in any situation, you will always be able to accomplish something. Mr.F […]
It is common to be swayed by others and situations. Make your own rules and stay at your own pace while maintaining a sense of distance from others. Mr.Fennec 振りまわされずに、自分でまわそう
Instead of passively waiting for others to take action, you must first take actual action yourself. Mr.Fennec まわりを動かしたければ、まず自分から
頑張り過ぎて、疲れ果ててしまう前に 休めるときはしっかりと休むこと。 意識的にオンオフを切り替えて 頑張った自分に栄養をあげましょう。 ” getting a good rest is a reward for yourself ” フェネック先生
When you are wondering how to solve a problem, unexpected things can lead to a breakthrough. Break free from stereotypes of what cannot be done and expand the range of possibilities. Mr.Fennec 逆転の発想こそ […]
Everyone has their own feelings for family members, lovers, and other loved ones. Express your gratitude in the way that is easiest to understand. Mr.Fennec 自分なりの愛の形を追求しよう
Even if they start out as imitations or imperfections, with continued effort they can be refined and become your own unique ability. Mr.Fennec 中途半端なマネでも、続ければ本物になる
落ちることろまで落ちてしまったとき、 不運や不幸を口にしても仕方ありません。 敗れても恥をかいても、立ち上がって 前へ前へと歩き続けよう。 ” despair is a sure foundation for recovery ” フェネック先生