- 2022年12月31日
never rush or regret the year you spent
What you will feel on this day is how fast the year has gone by. The hands of the clock will not turn back, but there are hopes and dreams waiting ahead. Mr.Fennec 過ごした一年、焦ることも後悔することもない
What you will feel on this day is how fast the year has gone by. The hands of the clock will not turn back, but there are hopes and dreams waiting ahead. Mr.Fennec 過ごした一年、焦ることも後悔することもない
By continuing to work hard, you can achieve tremendous results. Only those who have not underestimated the small daily efforts and have continued to work hard will be rewarded with opportunities. Mr.F […]
Enjoy seasonal and limited things as much as possible. If you keep saying, “Let’s do it some other time,” or “Let’s do it someday,” your chances of having fun will […]
パーティや懇親会などで、話しかけられるのを待っていると せっかくの機会を無駄にしてしまいます。挨拶や話しかけるだけで 他人と良い関係を築くきっかけになりますので 是非、恥ずかしがらずに挨拶をしてみてください。 ” instead of waiting for someone to talk to you, talk to them yourself ” フェネック先生 &n […]
When people are faced with difficult situations, they tend to look for the easy way out. The path built through hard work always lead to the door to the future. Mr.Fennec 突破口も、打開策も、自分で作るしかない
Cleaning may seem like a simple task that anyone can do, but it requires a good sense of style, setup, and judgment to do it efficiently. In fact, it may be a very creative task. Mr.Fennec 仕事も掃除も、やればや […]
Even if the night shift is heavy, if I am able to deliver happiness, I am very happy. Every time they are happy, it makes me want to work a little harder too. Mr.Fennec 深夜労働で疲れても、相手の笑顔で報われる
今までに培った力をすべて出し尽くし、 自分を試す時がいつか必ず来ます。 努力して流した汗と涙の分だけ、 勝負の日の自分は輝きを増します。 ” you must do your best on this day that will surely come ” フェネック先生
There is a lot of fun in waiting for something. The fun already starts when you begin to be aware of the schedule. Mr.Fennec 楽しみは、待っている時間も楽しい
People with different personalities and abilities come together and function effectively by trusting each other. It is truly the strongest teamwork, complementing and helping each other toward a goal. […]