- 2022年12月11日
others do not care as much as you care
We are always concerned about how the other person sees us. Surprisingly, however, the other person doesn’t care that much, so let’s get rid of our self-conscious vanity. Mr.Fennec 自分が気にする […]
We are always concerned about how the other person sees us. Surprisingly, however, the other person doesn’t care that much, so let’s get rid of our self-conscious vanity. Mr.Fennec 自分が気にする […]
It is when things are going well that we must take the next step. It is too late to prepare for the next step after things have settled down. Mr.Fennec 好調なときこそ、次の種をまこう
It can be fun to have noisy family and friends. Sometimes it is more comfortable to have all kinds of people around than no one. Mr.Fennec ちょっとうるさいくらいが、ちょうどいい
結果にとらわれると、失敗やまわりの目が気になりますが 成長にとらわれると、目の前のやることに集中できます。 徹底的に自分がやるべき事をやれば、 目標は必ず達成できます。 ” focus on growth, not on results ” フェネック先生
Your smile puts the other at ease. By bringing each other’s hearts and minds closer, it becomes a relationship of mutual trust. Mr.Fennec お互いの距離は、笑顔で縮めよう
If you are more anxious or hesitant than necessary, nothing will grow. Even if you fail, there is always something you can learn from it. Mr.Fennec 最大の失敗は、失敗を恐れすぎること
Do you ever think about starting something, but somehow end up not doing it? If you can visualize yourself reaching your goal, you will be motivated and seek ways to achieve it. Mr.Fennec やらない言い訳より、やる […]
調子のよい時は、何でも良い方向に考えがちで、 また、まわりも良い結果を期待しがちです。 調子が良い時だからこそ、安易な憶測やうぬぼれに注意し、 冷静に状況を見ながら、気を引き締めましょう。 ” when you’re on the upswing, it’s time to tighten your hearts and mind ” フェネック先生
Conceit and pretentiousness are nothing more than complacency. Develop genuine confidence without worrying about the interests of those around you. Mr.Fennec 小さなうぬぼれでも、つまづく原因になる
Before you make a bad decision for the other person, first reflect on your own shortcomings. By knowing your shortcomings, you can think of different ways to turn them into strengths. Mr.Fennec 誰でも自分よ […]