- 2022年9月22日
more important how you feel rather than the public reputation
There is no need to care the atmosphere around you or worry about the way others look at you. Take it easy and be honest about your feelings. Mr.Fennec 世間の評判より、自分がどう感じたかが大切
There is no need to care the atmosphere around you or worry about the way others look at you. Take it easy and be honest about your feelings. Mr.Fennec 世間の評判より、自分がどう感じたかが大切
To be good at anything, it is important to keep at it day after day. The ability to be good at something is something you will acquire before you know it. Mr.Fennec 必要なのは才能ではなく、努力と練習
A good diet and eating habits are an investment in your health. And a fulfilling meal will fill your stomach and your heart, giving you energy for tomorrow. Mr.Fennec おいしい食事で、胃も心も幸せに
家族とは、最初からあるものではなく 今まで育んできて形になったもの。 家族みんなで何かを経験することで 共有できるたくさんの思い出となります。 ” connect families with respect and joy ” フェネック先生
Life is full of setbacks, sadness, fear, and bad luck. It is in these times that it is important not to be discouraged, but to stay positive and take the next step forward with dreams, hopes, and cour […]
If you do not challenge yourself because you lack confidence, you will not have any progress or grow. Set high goals and improve yourself. Mr.Fennec 難しいからこそ、挑戦し甲斐がある
Even if it is difficult, once you make it a habit, you will be able to do it unconsciously. Let’s continue to adopt good habits and attract good results. Mr.Fennec 良い習慣は、考え過ぎずに身体で覚えよう
相手の身になって考えたり、気持ちに 配慮することは大切なこと。 何を望み、どんな気持ちかを注意深く 観察することから始めよう。 ” caring for others’ pain leads to kindness ” フェネック先生
It is through single-minded concentration that you can experience the greatest fulfillment and excitement. Mr.Fennec 夢中な瞬間が、一番輝いている
Even if you know what you are doing, it is difficult to take the first step. However, if you can overcome this obstacle, it is almost as if you have succeeded. Now it’s time to focus on keeping […]