- 2022年9月12日
weaknesses become individuality
Your inherent strengths and weaknesses are part of your personality. Don’t assume that your shortcomings are bad, but first analyze them from various angles and turn them into advantages. Mr.Fen […]
Your inherent strengths and weaknesses are part of your personality. Don’t assume that your shortcomings are bad, but first analyze them from various angles and turn them into advantages. Mr.Fen […]
自分を解放して、本来の自分を 取り戻すのが、自分ひとりの時間。 自分を取り戻したら、人と一緒の時間も 大切に思えてくるはずです。 ” make time once a day for yourself ” フェネック先生
You may not always have confidence in your abilities. But if you continue to work hard without doubting what you have done and what you are doing now, you will surely get something that will lead you […]
Have you ever saved up a daily routine for days and tried to do it all at once in one day? It is many times easier, both quantitatively and mentally, to do it now without the hassle than to do it late […]
If you lack energy and stamina when the time comes, you may miss your chance. Instead of spending your time idly, take frequent breaks and try to lead a balanced life. Mr.Fennec こまめな休息で、心と体の疲労予防
何か思い悩んでしまうことがあっても 心身を回復させるために、夜は寝よう。 一度忘れてぐっすり寝てから、翌日 じっくり考えればよいでしょう。 ” even if you had a bad day, go to bed at night without thinking about it ” フェネック先生
If you make a mistake, analyze the problem and do not repeat it. Reflection is necessary, but people with a strong sense of responsibility can be too hard on themselves. Be careful and forgive yoursel […]
Everyone recovers from failure and depression at different speeds. Learn the habit of changing your mind quickly and develop a strong will to recover from setbacks. Mr.Fennec 転んだ経験があれば、立ち直りも早い
Sometimes you cut your hair differently than before for a change of mood. And each time you cut your hair, you see a different side of yourself, which broadens your range of expression. Mr.Fennec 髪型を変 […]
他人の失敗は笑いやすいですが、 自分の失敗となるとなかなか笑えません。 自分を笑うということは、失敗した自分を 客観視できているということなのです。 ” not only reflect on your failures, but also laugh at them ” フェネック先生