- 2022年7月24日
anxiety is usually imaginary fear
There is no end to worrying about anxieties that you have no control over. Don’t think too much about the future, but prepare for what you can do first, and get through the present with the spir […]
There is no end to worrying about anxieties that you have no control over. Don’t think too much about the future, but prepare for what you can do first, and get through the present with the spir […]
When you are under pressure in front of a large number of people or in an important situation, you may not be able to perform at your usual ability due to nervousness, and you may fail. However, we mu […]
Everyone gets nervous when meeting someone for the first time. Even if you are embarrassed, be brave and approach the others. Mr.Fennec 照れずに、友達への一歩を踏み出そう
何かを与えることで、代わりに何かをもらうことが前提だと 与え損や与えた分の見返りを要求したり、もらえなければ 与えないといったマイナス思考に陥ってしまいます。 相手が心から喜んでもらえたことに幸せを感じてみましょう。 ” kindness that does not ask for anything in return will always come back to you R […]
The path to reach the goal is different for everyone. Do not compare yourself with others, do not rush, and continue at a pace that suits you. Mr.Fennec 目標への歩みは、みんな違ってあたり前
Do you feel like you know something or are you running away from an assumption? When you step out of the world of imagination and fantasy and actually experience it for yourself, the excitement begins […]
If you don’t try, you won’t know, and if you don’t know, you have to try. Accumulation of effort and results will lead to confidence in success. Mr.Fennec 無理でも、無茶でも、無駄ではない
人間関係や突発的な問題でも、小さな事であれば人は 重く考えず、後回しや見て見ぬふりなどの対応をしがちです。 この些細な怠慢がのちに大きな問題へと発展する前に 気が付いた時点で、すぐに具体的な対策を取りましょう。 ” small fraying should be addressed immediately ” フェネック先生
Many things can go wrong in the middle of an objective. If there was some error in judgment or decision, let’s think about how it happened and correct the course. Mr.Fennec 逃げるのは、また挑戦するため
Change the place where you look, change the angle from which you look, and change the way you look at things. By shifting your viewpoint just a little, you can see the same thing in a different way. M […]