- 2022年7月14日
brushing yourself up will make you more confident
It is important not only to start something new, but also to look at yourself now. You will improve your skills and your confidence at the same time. Mr.Fennec 自分を磨くことは、自信を磨くこと
It is important not only to start something new, but also to look at yourself now. You will improve your skills and your confidence at the same time. Mr.Fennec 自分を磨くことは、自信を磨くこと
いつでも自分自身がライバルでありながら、 理想に向かってチャレンジする自分を応援しましょう。 あなたが注ぐエネルギーは、期待を込めた未来への行動 となり、さらなる強い心への成長に役立ちます。 ” supporting yourself makes you even more stronger ” フェネック先生
Do not be upset by unintended problems. First, understand the situation and deal with it calmly and without panic. Mr.Fennec 突然の災難にも、最善を尽くそう
If you stay shut in, you will never know your own strength or even the confidence you can gain from helping others. Come out of your shell and give something to others with your power and confidence. […]
Unless you are a robot, it is difficult to maintain a high pace all the time. Keep your own pace, stay in shape at key points, and complete the long road. Mr.Fennec ゴールまで走りきるには、息抜きが重要
成長も、チャンスも、成功も、本気で取り組めば 得られる確率は高くなるはず。 困難を自ら受け入れることは容易では ありませんが、あなたを誰よりも強くさせます。 ” if you’ve made up your mind, fly to the point of no return ” フェネック先生
It is better to act than to postpone and not act. Always simulate and consider countermeasures at the same time. Mr.Fennec いつでも最悪を想定して準備しよう
Have a playful spirit that delights and brightens both yourself and others. Work that is enjoyed by returning to the childlike spirit is expected to be anti-aging for both mind and body. Mr.Fennec 遊び心 […]
Fatigue is a sign of some form of overwork. Rather than continuing to overwork, first rest well and consider the causes and countermeasures. Mr.Fennec 疲れたら、いさぎよく休もう
強気な姿勢だけで自信があるふりをするより コツコツと努力で積み上げた自信は ゆるぎないものになります。 是非、「根拠のある自信」を手に入れましょう。 ” providing evidence is the key to confidence ” フェネック先生