
  • 2022年7月3日

don’t compromise until it feels right

If you indulge yourself, you will conveniently interpret the situation and make no further effort. You must have the ability to face the situation thoroughly without standing still. Mr.Fennec しっくりくるまで […]

  • 2022年7月2日

cheer everyone with what you can do

If it is dark and everyone is in trouble, turn on the lights willingly. If you think about what you can do and what will make people happy, you will naturally find the answer. Mr.Fennec 自分にできることで、みんなを […]

  • 2022年6月30日

do it yourself rather than wishing upon a star

Instead of lamenting about what your future holds, you should take control of your own destiny. If you take some action, you will naturally see what you need to do. Mr.Fennec 願い事は祈るより、自力で叶えよう

  • 2022年6月28日

don’t look down, aim higher

Instead of standing still and worrying only about what is below, you must grow toward higher and higher goals with a broad perspective and energy. Mr.Fennec 下を見ずに、更なる高みを目指そう

  • 2022年6月26日

every personality has its own character

No two personalities are the same, and there is no right or wrong answer. Know your individuality and determine where you can make the most of it. Mr.Fennec 誰の個性にも、持ち味はある

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