- 2022年5月25日
I really like like like like it
You can be saved by casual gestures and words. The power of compliment will surely make people happy. Mr.Fennec 褒めて、褒めて、褒めまくろう
You can be saved by casual gestures and words. The power of compliment will surely make people happy. Mr.Fennec 褒めて、褒めて、褒めまくろう
You won’t be able to know the result until you try, so you have to do the best you can at any time. Let’s steadily aim for the goal in a way that suits you. Mr.Fennec 納得いくまで、とことんやろう
There will be many things to suffer in order to make your dreams come true. It’s up to you not to give up, to get over it, and to take your fate. Mr.Fennec 夢は捨てない限り、逃げはしない
仕事でも、試合でもその準備には、自分ができる 最高の手立てを出し惜しみすれば、必ず後悔します。 粘り強く、できる限りの計画と準備に時間をかけ、 最善を尽くした状態で、勝負の日を迎えましょう。 ” expecting myself because I prepared without cutting corners ” フェネック先生
If a different method suits you, try it without bothering people around you. Mr.Fennec みんなと同じである必要はない
If you expect too much from others, you will narrow your potential. Let’s bring out our hidden strength by ourselves. Mr.Fennec 約束は自分とするもの
If you want to get things done until you are satisfied, you have to give up all your feelings and turn down the kindness of others. Being strict with yourself is the fastest way to success. Mr.Fennec […]
自信がないといって、自分を守るための言い訳をしていませんか。 気にしなければならないのはまわりの評価ではなく、 自分の中にあるワクワクした気持ち。イヤならイヤでスパっと 早めに辞めないと、決断できないままズルズルと事態は悪化してしまいます。 ” those who don’t last long are those who are determined to quit […]
Sometimes you can’t do anything after all, even when your friends need help. By deepening the bond, you should be able to complement each other’s weak points. Mr.Fennec ダメな部分も、認め合ってこそ仲間
Every successful person is originally a diligent person. Continuing what you can do is what leads to success. Mr.Fennec 自分にできることを、ひたすらやる