- 2022年5月5日
keep chasing what you can be absorbed in
Don’t you ever lose your mind if you think too much? In such a case, let’s empty your head and immerse yourself in what you want to do. Mr.Fennec 夢中を追い続けよう
Don’t you ever lose your mind if you think too much? In such a case, let’s empty your head and immerse yourself in what you want to do. Mr.Fennec 夢中を追い続けよう
People can be setback by just one mistake. Think of mistakes as a reason to work hard, not a reason not to do. Mr.Fennec 怖いのは失敗より、諦めること
Too much hope can hurt you and the effort itself can be painful. You should be more confident that you are strong now. Mr.Fennec 今の自分が、一番強い
他人の目や評価、世間がどう思っているのかなど 気になり始めたらキリがありません。 どんな時も元気に輝き、自分を偽らずに 自分が納得する生き方を貫きましょう。 ” be yourself without worrying about evaluations ” フェネック先生
Nothing can be achieved by the power of one person alone. Compliment yourself and the people around you who worked hard. Mr.Fennec みんなでできたときは、自分も褒めよう
Take a serious challenge towards your goal. Nothing is more valuable than the experience of overcoming difficulties. Mr.Fennec 高い山ほど、登ると最高
Even if you blame someone, your world won’t change at all . Rather than waiting for the world to change, let’s change it by yourself. Mr.Fennec 自分の世界は自分で変えよう
実現できないことを「無理」と言いますが、 この言葉は日常的によく使われます。 あらゆる方法と可能性を模索して、わずか1%でも 可能性があれば、「無理」ではありません。 ” as long as there is a bit of a possibility, it is not impossible ” フェネック先生
Nobody is perfect. It is important to reflect on your failure and make the most of it next. The failure you made will become a big asset someday, and it will be a laughing story in the future. Mr.Fenn […]
There are wins and losses in matches,but be sure to use 120 % of your strength to win matches that you can’t lose. Mr.Fennec 勝てる土俵で負けちゃダメ