- 2022年4月15日
happy now because you’ve overcome the hard time
The more you struggle with life, the more you understand its importance. The everyday life you take for granted is actually the most priceless. Mr.fennec いろいろあると、今の幸せが輝くね
The more you struggle with life, the more you understand its importance. The everyday life you take for granted is actually the most priceless. Mr.fennec いろいろあると、今の幸せが輝くね
It’s a convenient excuse for you to say less talented or less potential than others. If you take your abilities seriously, you should be able to go farther than you think. Mr.fennec 今あるもので戦おう
It’s important to protect your child. But if you go too far, you’ll be overprotective and self-satisfied. So be patient. Mr.Fennec 愛するが故に、見守るのも愛
試合や発表会などは緊張感を高めますが、人によって 成果が出せる適度な緊張の度合いは違います。 あなたに合った緊張感で、本番のプレッシャーを はねのけ、めいっぱい実力を発揮させましょう。 ” maximize your ability by relieving tension ” フェネック先生
You can try and fail, but don’t judge the failure before trying. These excuses are for those who don’t try or challenge at all. Mr.Fennec やらずに諦めたくなくなくない?
There is a big difference between “only half a step” and “another half a step”. When this “difference” accumulates, it results in an unfillable difference. Mr.fenne […]
Don’t run away even if you are depressed. The more you run away, the more pain you will get. When you have a hard time, endure with smile. Mr.Fennec ツライ時こそ、ユカイに笑顔
目標に向かって、すぐに始めて 続けることが、達成への秘訣です、 時間をかければかけるほど、 得るものは大きくなります。 ” your future will be successful or a big success if you start now ” フェネック先生
Rather than blindly searching for yourself, it’s better to calculate backwards from the person you want to be. If you can’t imagine what you want to be, think what future self would not re […]
When you want to do something new, are you not making excuses for yourself to start it tomorrow? Now is the time to do it. Mr.Fennec 明日やろうは、バカヤロー