- 2022年12月1日
no matter how difficult it may be, there is always a way
It is your own assumption that you can’t do it. With the belief that you can do it, look for a solution first. Mr.fennec どんなに困難でも、方法は必ずある
It is your own assumption that you can’t do it. With the belief that you can do it, look for a solution first. Mr.fennec どんなに困難でも、方法は必ずある
人前を取り繕って自慢げに話すよりも、 何か一つ自分の好きなことを話せればOK。 相手に、熱く、わかりやすく、簡潔に語ることで興味を 持ってもらえるし、そこから話が広がることでしょう。 ” speak with enthusiasm and without pretension ” フェネック先生
Rivals are necessary for your personal growth. However, the person you are fighting against is always the person you were yesterday, surpassing your best self of the past. Mr.Fennec 競う相手は、過去最高の自分
Time is limited, but by improving yourself and immersing yourself in your hobbies, you will be able to lead a fulfilling life. Mr.Fennec 人生の旅は、時間をかける程に充実する
When you are ready to take action, you may feel lost, anxious, and even jealous of the success of those around you. Please look at yourself now, imagining yourself in the future, and first gather as m […]
誰でも立ち上がれないくらい気持ちが 落ち込んでしまうことは起こりえます。 そんな時、趣味や習慣など自分なりの気晴らしの方法を 見つけてあれば、乗り越える力となるはずです。 ” have a distraction, a way to forget about the hard things ” フェネック先生
People mock you because they want to give themselves an advantage over those who have failed or are not good at what they do. If you continue without giving up even if they laugh at your efforts, you […]
What should you do when you feel like you are about to get angry? Count to ten in your mind and then take a deep breath to calm down. Mr.Fennec 過熱して火傷しそうな怒りは、すぐ冷まそう
If you have a talent that is just a little bit better than others at whatever you do, hone it. It will come in handy someday when you least expect it and help you out. Mr.Fennec 話し上手も、極めれば芸になる
完璧な自分になろうと 無理をし過ぎてはいませんか。 不完全な自分でも認めることができれば、 もっと自分が好きになれるはずです。 ” instead of being angry at yourself for not being able to do it, love yourself ” フェネック先生