- 2022年11月21日
wake up from conceit by failing
Vanity and egotism not only cause discomfort to others, but also make us careless of our own minds. In good times, control your emotions and be humble. Mr.Fennec 失敗して、うぬぼれから目を覚まそう
Vanity and egotism not only cause discomfort to others, but also make us careless of our own minds. In good times, control your emotions and be humble. Mr.Fennec 失敗して、うぬぼれから目を覚まそう
Do you think that someone will do it for you someday? Instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, do it yourself. Mr.Fennec 誰かがやるなら、自分がその誰かになろう
The key to success is to stay focused on your goals. If you are looking at this and that, you will end up halfway through everything. Mr.Fennec 成功するには、目標を見失わないこと
何もしなければ、時間は一刻一刻と過ぎてゆき いつまで経っても同じ場所に居座るだけです。 目標があるのであれば、とにかく前へ動きだして 実現に向かってチャレンジしてみましょう。 ” instead of worrying about falling, start running toward the goal ” フェネック先生
Regretting what you didn’t do will weigh on you day by day. Don’t put off what you want to do, but do what you can. Mr.Fennec やらずに後悔するなら、できることをやろう
Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be because you are different. Your story begins the moment you decide to change yourself. Mr.Fennec 恥ずかしがらずに、なりたい自分になろう
Books make us think about things in different ways through the author’s point of view. By broadening your perspective, you will gain more knowledge and increase your chances of making the best a […]
愛をうまく告白しようとすればするほど、 飾られた余計な言葉が増えていきます。 自分の気持ちをすべて言葉で訴えようと構えなくても あなたの全身から自然に愛はにじみ出ているはずです。 ” even if you are not a good talker, you can honestly confess your love ” フェネック先生
Green spaces such as forests and parks have health-restoring effects. Reduce stress through the relaxing effects of nature. Mr.Fennec 疲れた心は、自然で癒そう
It takes time to accomplish things. Don’t rush, don’t hurry, and work diligently toward your dreams and goals. Mr.Fennec 辛い時こそ、結果を急がない