- 2022年10月12日
if you think you have pushed enough, try to push once more
Even if you think you have done all you can do, try one more time at the very end. It is a waste to give up when you are just one step away. Mr.Fennec 押してダメなら、もう一押し
Even if you think you have done all you can do, try one more time at the very end. It is a waste to give up when you are just one step away. Mr.Fennec 押してダメなら、もう一押し
It is okay to try and fail. Just as there are many routes to the top of a mountain, there should be more than one way to reach the goal. If it doesn’t work, try again with a different strategy. […]
Natural talent and the luck of the hour play a major role, but you must not forget that it is also built on hard work and toil. Mr.Fennec 才能も運も、努力が土台
憧れの気持ちなどから、ついつい自分を良く見せようと 背伸びをし過ぎたりはしていませんか。自分の理想のために 背伸びすることは良いことで、偽りでも誤魔化しでもありませんが、 等身大の自分がフラつかないほどの背伸びの仕方をしましょう。 ” you shine brightest just as you are ” フェネック先生
Their nimble performances and brilliant exploits are the result of blood-soaked daily practice. Mr.Fennec 目撃する栄光には、必ず影の努力がある
In order for a flower to bloom, seeds must be sown, watered, and the seedlings rotated to expose them to sunlight. Since these tasks are carefully carried out one by one every day, the joy when a flow […]
When considering things, you must first control your emotions. If we do not eliminate unnecessary emotions, such as impatience and anger, we will not achieve good results. Mr.Fennec 心を落ち着かせてから、自分を見つめ直 […]
やるべきことを決めたら、強い意志をもって 困難に立ち向かいましょう。 どれだけ真剣に取り組めるかが、 如実に結果として表れてきます。 ” if you are ready to try, you will succeed someday ” Mr.Fennec
Are you making excuses for not having time to do what you love because it’s too much trouble? Don’t lie to yourself and keep doing what you love. Mr.Fennec 何事も好きなことは、続けよう
If you are feeling down, you cannot take action on anything. Even in difficult times, if you always act in a pleasant manner, your mood will naturally lighten up. フェネック先生 いつも心が楽しければ、どこまでも歩ける