
  • 2023年8月9日

learn from your weaknesses by loosing

Exploring the causes of victory and defeat will highlight your shortcomings and weaknesses. Accepting defeat makes you stronger. Mr.Fennec 負けることで、自分の弱点を学ぼう

  • 2023年8月8日

your kindness is the best gift

You want to do what pleases people because they are important to you. When that desire is conveyed, kindness becomes an irreplaceable gift. Mr.Fennec あなたのやさしさは、最高の贈り物になる

  • 2023年8月2日

go hard road with a trusted friend

If the journey alone is difficult, walk it with a friend. The degree of trust we have in each other becomes more apparent in difficult times. Mr.Fennec つらい時は、背中を預けられる友人と歩もう

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