- 2023年3月16日
inflate your dream without fear of breaking
What cannot be imagined cannot be realized. So imagine your biggest dream to the fullest and make it come true. Mr.Fennec 割れたり萎むことを恐れず、夢を膨らまそう
What cannot be imagined cannot be realized. So imagine your biggest dream to the fullest and make it come true. Mr.Fennec 割れたり萎むことを恐れず、夢を膨らまそう
Don’t do multiple tasks at the same time. Start one thing, then finish one thing at a time. Mr.Fennec 物事は1つずつ成しとげよう
Doing the same thing day in and day out can be tiring and anxiety-provoking. But it is because of these hard-working mothers that children can grow up with peace of mind. Mr.Fennec 繰り返しの毎日でも、最善を尽くす母は強 […]
There is much to learn about the techniques of successful people. Imitate where you can and improve your own techniques. Mr.Fennec 望んで努力を繰り返さなければ、技は盗めない
If you keep quiet because you think you will be disliked, you will never be a true friend. If something is bothering you, point it out and talk about it face to face without being overly concerned. Mr […]
自分にとってその時々で何が最も大切なのかを よく考えて、そこに努力の全てをつぎ込もう。 それ以外のことに見向きもしないければ、 必ず成功するはずです。 ” focus your efforts on what is most important ” フェネック先生
You may think that bad luck and misfortune come out of the blue, but if you observe carefully and use your intuition on a daily basis, you can prevent them. Mr.Fennec 感を磨けば、不運は予知できる
When many like-minded people come together, miracles can happen. Even if the power of each individual is not great, when they are integrated, they become a great force. Mr.Fennec 小さな力でも、集めて大きな力に
We all make mistakes, but you should not try to hide them. It is when we make mistakes that we are truly judged by how we handle them. Mr.Fennec 過ちを告白することは、前進するための試練