- 2022年11月16日
don’t be shy and be whom you want to be
Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be because you are different. Your story begins the moment you decide to change yourself. Mr.Fennec 恥ずかしがらずに、なりたい自分になろう
Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be because you are different. Your story begins the moment you decide to change yourself. Mr.Fennec 恥ずかしがらずに、なりたい自分になろう
Books make us think about things in different ways through the author’s point of view. By broadening your perspective, you will gain more knowledge and increase your chances of making the best a […]
愛をうまく告白しようとすればするほど、 飾られた余計な言葉が増えていきます。 自分の気持ちをすべて言葉で訴えようと構えなくても あなたの全身から自然に愛はにじみ出ているはずです。 ” even if you are not a good talker, you can honestly confess your love ” フェネック先生
Green spaces such as forests and parks have health-restoring effects. Reduce stress through the relaxing effects of nature. Mr.Fennec 疲れた心は、自然で癒そう
It takes time to accomplish things. Don’t rush, don’t hurry, and work diligently toward your dreams and goals. Mr.Fennec 辛い時こそ、結果を急がない
On days when everything goes wrong, the future is not so clear. But it won’t last forever, so stay positive until things tilt in the right direction. フェネック先生 今日は最悪でも、明日は最高
身だしなみのいい加減な人は、相手からの印象を 悪くするとともに自分に対しても、だらしなくなります。。 まずは、普段の立ち振る舞いから襟を正すことを 継続して習慣化し、自分の意識と価値を高めましょう。 ” when you are well groomed, your mind is also well groomed ” フェネック先生
If you are shy or nervous, you will not convey your feelings well. Take the plunge and convey your feelings directly with a nice, cinematic surprise. Mr.Fennec 予想を超える驚きで、愛を伝えよう
If it is the same no matter who plays it, there is no point in playing it. Cherish the sound that only you can play and that is unique to you. Mr.Fennec 自分にしか奏でられない音色をみつけよう
The key to a fulfilling future is to continue doing everything day by day. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, don’t worry too much about the future, and cherish the present that leads to the fu […]