- 2022年10月27日
analyze the result and correct your behavior
It is common for things to not go as intended. What is needed is to be resourceful when results are not achieved and to come up with your own remedial measures. Mr.Fennec 結果を分析して、自分の行動を修正しよう
It is common for things to not go as intended. What is needed is to be resourceful when results are not achieved and to come up with your own remedial measures. Mr.Fennec 結果を分析して、自分の行動を修正しよう
Rivals may be an eyesore, but they can actually help you grow by leaps and bounds. Challenge your rivals and learn a lot from them. Mr.Fennec ライバルに挑むたびに進化する
恐ろしいと思い始めたら、不安は 2倍にも3倍にも膨れ上がります。 恐怖心を理解し、打ち勝つことが 克服するための最も確実な方法です。 ” when you are anxious, dare to do what you fear ” フェネック先生
If you worry too much about what others think, you will never get anything done. If you keep doing what you can do, you will see what only you can do. Mr.Fennec うまいか下手かより、できることをやろう
To reach your goals, it is very important to keep enjoying everything you do. However, when it comes to winning, be successful in your area of expertise. Mr.Fennec 勝負は自分の得意分野で
Have you ever had the experience of being aware that things are not going to stay the same, but not taking action and doing nothing? Please know that doing nothing is not maintaining the status quo, b […]
怖いのは失敗することよりも、自分が どう向き合って取り組んでいるかです。 何かをやり遂げたいのなら、覚悟をもって 自分の行動を見直しながら進みましょう。 ” instead of fearing failure, you should fear yourself for not being serious ” フェネック先生
No matter how long you do it, if you don’t see results, you may lose motivation and give up. People who enjoy what they do will last longer and grow faster than those who hate doing it. Mr.Fenne […]
Things don’t always work out. However, it is precisely because of setbacks that we are able to move forward with relentless effort and reach the goals we have envisioned. Mr.Fennec 完璧じゃないから伸びしろが […]
Once you start taking action, it is important to continue. Even if you run into problems, don’t stop and keep looking for solutions. Mr.Fennec 小さな問題なら、進みながら考えよう