• 2022年6月8日

goals are always born from yourself

Even if it is impossible for me now, it is important to have an ideal that I want to be like this. Think about yourself a few years from now. Mr.Fennec 目標はいつも自分の中から生まれる    

  • 2022年6月6日

challenge to the unknown from any age

You can enjoy anything you do for the first time because you never know what’s going to happen next. Continuing to challenge yourself without fear may be the secret to have fun every day. Mr.Fen […]

  • 2022年6月5日

say I’m sorry first, rather than excuse

Sometimes self-esteem gets in the way and you don’t want to admit it honestly. Let’s apologize with courage rather than making excuses. Mr.Fennec つべこべ言わずに、ごめんなさい

  • 2022年6月4日

warmth is more emotional than saying 100 words

Affection is not transmitted just because there are many words. Even if you are silent, just holding hands or gently hugging will convey it firmly. Mr.Fennec ぬくもりは、100の言葉より伝わる

  • 2022年6月3日


あまりにも大きな問題に直面したとき、一気に解決 させる方法はなかなか見つかるものではありません。 大きな問題をいくつかの小さな問題に分割して 一つ一つ丁寧に答えましよう。 ” decompose the problem one by one and think what to do next ” フェネック先生

  • 2022年6月2日

sometimes you need to praise yourself

Complimenting does not mean that you can be pampered. Let’s use it as a vital force to move forward one step further when it’s difficult. Mr.Fennec ときには自分自身を褒めることも必要

  • 2022年5月31日

expectations are betrayed, but efforts are not

The more you expect from people, the more damage you will suffer when things don’t go as planned. Try to achieve it by yourself without relying on anyone. Mr.Fennec 期待は裏切られるが、努力は裏切らない

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