- 2022年10月30日
enjoy any event in your own way
Try to incorporate events and functions that have little to do with you, but arranged in your own way. The stimulation of the unusual may lead to enjoyable new discoveries. Mr.Fennec どんなイベントでも、自分なりに楽し […]
Try to incorporate events and functions that have little to do with you, but arranged in your own way. The stimulation of the unusual may lead to enjoyable new discoveries. Mr.Fennec どんなイベントでも、自分なりに楽し […]
First, you must hone your skills to the point where you can achieve results. In order to have fun, it is essential to make an effort to hone your skills through practice and actual competition. Mr.Fen […]
Their nimble performances and brilliant exploits are the result of blood-soaked daily practice. Mr.Fennec 目撃する栄光には、必ず影の努力がある
You may not always have confidence in your abilities. But if you continue to work hard without doubting what you have done and what you are doing now, you will surely get something that will lead you […]
It may seem simple, but continuous practice cultivates and sustains a high level of performance. Mr.Fennec 簡単そうでも、見えない努力の積み重ね
Everyone has their own feelings for family members, lovers, and other loved ones. Express your gratitude in the way that is easiest to understand. Mr.Fennec 自分なりの愛の形を追求しよう
A competitive relationship means that we recognize each other and are good rivals and friends. Mr.Fennec 競うのは、お互いの能力を高め合うため
Whether you choose a difficult and arduous shortcut or a time-consuming detour, just hang in there until you reach the finish line. Mr.Fennec 近道はたいてい険しい道
If you wish for it and it doesn’t come true, it is just a dream. If you take action to make it come true, your dream will come closer to reality. Mr.Fennec 願いを叶えるには、引き寄せる努力も必要
“Play” is not the opposite of “study”. Even if it is play, the experience of concentrating on something while having fun, will one day lead to the acquisition of knowledge and […]