
  • 2022年7月26日

choose your own timing to do it

If we keep looking for the best timing, saying that there must be a better timing, we will never be able to act. Don’t hesitate, just do it. Mr.Fennec タイミングは、自分でしぼりだすもの

  • 2022年7月11日

stay inside or leap out with courage

If you stay shut in, you will never know your own strength or even the confidence you can gain from helping others. Come out of your shell and give something to others with your power and confidence. […]

  • 2022年6月5日

say I’m sorry first, rather than excuse

Sometimes self-esteem gets in the way and you don’t want to admit it honestly. Let’s apologize with courage rather than making excuses. Mr.Fennec つべこべ言わずに、ごめんなさい

  • 2022年5月24日

keep it up until you are convinced of it

You won’t be able to know the result until you try, so you have to do the best you can at any time. Let’s steadily aim for the goal in a way that suits you. Mr.Fennec 納得いくまで、とことんやろう

  • 2022年4月29日

change your world by yourself

Even if you blame someone, your world won’t change at all . Rather than waiting for the world to change, let’s change it by yourself. Mr.Fennec 自分の世界は自分で変えよう

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