
  • 2022年7月31日

I promise to myself never to give up

Promises to yourself are not meant to be broken. Take on the challenge with a strong determination to keep your promises at all costs. Mr.Fennec くじけないのは、自分との約束を守るため

  • 2022年7月23日

don’t be afraid to make mistake

When you are under pressure in front of a large number of people or in an important situation, you may not be able to perform at your usual ability due to nervousness, and you may fail. However, we mu […]

  • 2022年7月8日

always prepare for the worst

It is better to act than to postpone and not act. Always simulate and consider countermeasures at the same time. Mr.Fennec いつでも最悪を想定して準備しよう

  • 2022年6月28日

don’t look down, aim higher

Instead of standing still and worrying only about what is below, you must grow toward higher and higher goals with a broad perspective and energy. Mr.Fennec 下を見ずに、更なる高みを目指そう

  • 2022年6月18日

you are always the hero

It is up to you to turn your dreams into goals or not. If you have a chance, don’t leave it to others. Be courageous and take the first step by yourself. Mr.Fennec 主人公は、いつだって自分

  • 2022年6月11日


受けた仕事に対して、まじめな性格であればあるほど すべての責任を自ら背負ってしまいがちです。 自分の担当以上の仕事を受けないよう、こまめに見直して 肩の荷をおろす整理をしましょう。 ” find your own way to ease your tension ” フェネック先生

  • 2022年6月8日

goals are always born from yourself

Even if it is impossible for me now, it is important to have an ideal that I want to be like this. Think about yourself a few years from now. Mr.Fennec 目標はいつも自分の中から生まれる    

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