- 2023年6月6日
lo malo es rendirse antes que fracasar
La gente puede sufrir un revés por un solo error. Piensa en los errores como una razón para trabajar duro, no como una razón para no hacerlo. Sr.Fennec 怖いのは失敗より、諦めること
La gente puede sufrir un revés por un solo error. Piensa en los errores como una razón para trabajar duro, no como una razón para no hacerlo. Sr.Fennec 怖いのは失敗より、諦めること
As you send encouragement to those who are doing their best, you are also encouraged. In that moment when everyone supports each other’s faltering hearts, both the person cheering and the person […]
夢に向かって、がむしゃらに努力した分だけ、 諦めたくない気持ちは大きくなります。 叶うか、叶わないかの差は、努力だけではなく しっかりとした分析と実行力にあるといえます。 ” it’s hard to make dreams come true, but it’s also hard to give up ” フェネック先生
You may think that food prep and basic things are hard and uninteresting. But if you can learn to love the hard things, the harder they are, the happier you will be. Mr.Fennec うまくなったのは、手間暇をかけたから
If you are too hard on yourself or too gutsy, you will not be able to continue or sustain your next effort. By praising yourself often, you can encourage yourself and accomplish your big goals. Mr.Fen […]
If you endure, you may not care what they do to you. However, instead of enduring it, let’s talk about it and work it out. Mr.Fennec されるがままを嫌がらず、向き合ってみよう
En lugar de esperar hazlo tu mismo. Será una tarea difícil, pero también será el momento más agradable. フェネック先生 コメント
Curiosity is the exclusive domain of children, but by all means, adults should have it too. A desire to learn about different values will certainly enrich your experience and bring you closer to succe […]
Do you find it hard to say no when you are asked to do something and end up taking on requests that are far beyond your capacity? If you are going to be inconvenienced in the process of something, it […]
If you must proceed even if you cannot see the future, hesitating is a waste of time. If you will regret not doing so, be prepared to take the plunge and begin with all your might. Mr.Fennec 成功への一歩は、迷 […]