- 2022年12月23日
the fun is fun to wait for
There is a lot of fun in waiting for something. The fun already starts when you begin to be aware of the schedule. Mr.Fennec 楽しみは、待っている時間も楽しい
There is a lot of fun in waiting for something. The fun already starts when you begin to be aware of the schedule. Mr.Fennec 楽しみは、待っている時間も楽しい
The more you concern about the feelings of those around you, the more you tend to hide your true feelings. Make it a habit to be honest about your feelings and listen to yourself. Mr.Fennec 自分に正直なことは、 […]
Nothing can be solved by crying. Instead of gathering sympathy from those around you, think flexibly and come up with your own answers. Mr.Fennec 不幸な自分を嘆くより、改善策を考えよう
Your smile puts the other at ease. By bringing each other’s hearts and minds closer, it becomes a relationship of mutual trust. Mr.Fennec お互いの距離は、笑顔で縮めよう
Time is limited, but by improving yourself and immersing yourself in your hobbies, you will be able to lead a fulfilling life. Mr.Fennec 人生の旅は、時間をかける程に充実する
People mock you because they want to give themselves an advantage over those who have failed or are not good at what they do. If you continue without giving up even if they laugh at your efforts, you […]
Do you think that someone will do it for you someday? Instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, do it yourself. Mr.Fennec 誰かがやるなら、自分がその誰かになろう
It takes time to accomplish things. Don’t rush, don’t hurry, and work diligently toward your dreams and goals. Mr.Fennec 辛い時こそ、結果を急がない
If it is the same no matter who plays it, there is no point in playing it. Cherish the sound that only you can play and that is unique to you. Mr.Fennec 自分にしか奏でられない音色をみつけよう
If you worry too much about what others think, you will never get anything done. If you keep doing what you can do, you will see what only you can do. Mr.Fennec うまいか下手かより、できることをやろう