
  • 2022年12月23日

the fun is fun to wait for

There is a lot of fun in waiting for something. The fun already starts when you begin to be aware of the schedule. Mr.Fennec 楽しみは、待っている時間も楽しい

  • 2022年11月20日

if someone has to do it, be that someone

Do you think that someone will do it for you someday? Instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, do it yourself. Mr.Fennec 誰かがやるなら、自分がその誰かになろう

  • 2022年11月8日

find your timbre that only you can play

If it is the same no matter who plays it, there is no point in playing it. Cherish the sound that only you can play and that is unique to you. Mr.Fennec 自分にしか奏でられない音色をみつけよう

  • 2022年10月24日

do what you can do whether you are good or bad

If you worry too much about what others think, you will never get anything done. If you keep doing what you can do, you will see what only you can do. Mr.Fennec うまいか下手かより、できることをやろう

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