- 2024年1月6日
to try hard for someone else makes you happy
Working hard for yourself is important, but working hard for someone else makes you happy. It is wonderful to share happiness with others rather than alone. Mr.Fennec 誰かのために頑張れることは、幸せなこと
Working hard for yourself is important, but working hard for someone else makes you happy. It is wonderful to share happiness with others rather than alone. Mr.Fennec 誰かのために頑張れることは、幸せなこと
With good fortune comes misfortune, and with good comes bad. Find your own way to turn any adversity into recovery. Mr.Fennec どんな不幸にも屈せず、乗り越える術を持とう
Puedes disfrutar de cualquier cosa que hagas por primera vez porque nunca sabes lo que va a pasar después. Seguir retándote sin miedo puede ser el secreto para divertirte cada día. Sr.Fennec いくつからでも未知 […]
Aunque pierdas o fracases, no tienes tiempo para ponerte sentimental. Concéntrate y vuelve a empezar sin preocuparte de lo que te rodea. Sr.Fennec どん底上等、這い上がるのみ
The more important the decision, the less hasty it is. If you take your time and wait, the opportunity will surely present itself. Mr.Fennec 結果を出すには、焦らずじっくり待とう
Caring for others spreads to those around us. Wishing for happiness creates new happiness. Mr.Fennec 誰かに運ぶ幸せを、自分の幸せにしよう
If you have a talent that is just a little bit better than others at whatever you do, hone it. It will come in handy someday when you least expect it and help you out. Mr.Fennec 話し上手も、極めれば芸になる