- 2024年3月18日
make time once a day for yourself
It is time alone with yourself to let go and reclaim your true self. Once you have regained yourself, you will find that time with others is also important. Mr.Fennec 一日一回、自分ひとりの時間を作ろう
It is time alone with yourself to let go and reclaim your true self. Once you have regained yourself, you will find that time with others is also important. Mr.Fennec 一日一回、自分ひとりの時間を作ろう
If you have a personality that envies everything, you only care about what others have. First, review what you have. フェネック先生 相手の得を気にし過ぎて、自分の得を損にしない
Al igual que el amor y la amistad, es importante que pensemos los unos en los otros y cooperemos para ayudarnos mutuamente. Con un grupo de personas que sepan trabajar juntas, podremos conseguir cualq […]
¿Cómo puedes responder a situaciones imprevisibles? Utiliza tu experiencia e imaginación para salir de una situación difícil lo antes posible. Sr.Fennec 予期していない出来事には、早めの対処
Cuanto más hayan luchado juntos, más se entenderán y apoyarán mutuamente. Si compartes los mismos objetivos, el vínculo será más fuerte. Sr.Fennec 戦友は、親友のはじまり
Every time something bad happens to you, you feel a sense of hopelessness, and every time you think about it, each day becomes a long and painful time. If you persevere and make an effort to crawl up […]
Because you are only looking in one direction, you may be missing something important. If you pay attention and search patiently, you will find valuable discoveries. Mr.Fennec 追求し続ければ、様々な視点から発見できる
It is you who judge yourself as boring, uninteresting, and dull. With just a slight change in perspective and viewpoint, you can fill your days with happy smiles. Mr.Fennec 面白くするか、つまらなくするかは自分次第
Predicting the future is not always easy, but we can improve our “foresight” by acquiring information. We should increase our knowledge on a daily basis and strengthen our ability to predi […]
Si te conviene otro método, pruébalo sin molestar a la gente de tu alrededor. Sr.Fennec みんなと同じである必要はない