
  • 2024年2月8日

esforzarse es el truco del éxito

En una competición tensa, a una sola vuelta, los resultados lo son todo. Por mucho que te esfuerces, a veces no se consiguen resultados, pero los que los consiguen siempre se esfuerzan. Sr.Fennec 成功のト […]

  • 2022年9月29日

to try hard is the trick of success

In a tense, one-shot competition, results are everything. No matter how hard you try, sometimes results are not achieved, but those who achieve results always put in the effort. Mr.Fennec 成功のトリックは、全力で […]

  • 2022年7月19日

first experience is always an adventure

Do you feel like you know something or are you running away from an assumption? When you step out of the world of imagination and fantasy and actually experience it for yourself, the excitement begins […]

  • 2022年5月31日

expectations are betrayed, but efforts are not

The more you expect from people, the more damage you will suffer when things don’t go as planned. Try to achieve it by yourself without relying on anyone. Mr.Fennec 期待は裏切られるが、努力は裏切らない

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