
  • 2023年1月16日

enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime meal

Everyday meals that look the same are not just meals. Taste each dish as if it were your first and last encounter with it. Mr.Fennec 食事との一期一会を楽しもう

  • 2022年10月27日

analyze the result and correct your behavior

It is common for things to not go as intended. What is needed is to be resourceful when results are not achieved and to come up with your own remedial measures. Mr.Fennec 結果を分析して、自分の行動を修正しよう

  • 2022年10月22日

doing nothing is the beginning of regret

Have you ever had the experience of being aware that things are not going to stay the same, but not taking action and doing nothing? Please know that doing nothing is not maintaining the status quo, b […]

  • 2022年9月23日


すべてをいっぺんに変えるのではなく ゆっくりと、じっくりと変えていくこと。 毎日の地道な努力は、季節の変化とともに 自分の成長を感じられるはずです。 ” slowly change into a better version of yourself just like the seasons change ” フェネック先生

  • 2022年5月16日

just do what you can do

Every successful person is originally a diligent person. Continuing what you can do is what leads to success. Mr.Fennec 自分にできることを、ひたすらやる

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